Ana Cañadas
Ana has been doing research on cetaceans since 1990. She has spent more than 20 years doing ship-board field work, up to five months a year, devoting the rest of the time to data analysis. Her main research interests are in populations abundance, distribution and ecology, and the application of science informing conservation and management. She has several dozen peer-review publications to her name, and obtained her European Doctorate (PhD) in 2006. Joining MGEL in 2018, she has spent nearly three decades working on numerous marine top-predators research and conservation projects in Spain and Europe.

Servidio, A., Pérez-Gil, E., Pérez-Gil, M., Cañadas, A., Hammond, P.S. and Martín V. In press. Site fidelity and movement patterns of short-finned pilot whales within the Canary Islands: evidence for resident and transient populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3135
Gimenez, J., Cañadas, A.,de Stephanis, R. and Ramirez, F. In review. Revisiting Natura 2000 network from a Systematic Conservation 1 Planning perspective: the endangered Mediterranean common dolphin subpopulation as a case study.
Critchley, EE.J., Grecian, J., Bennison, A., Kane, A., Wischnewski, S., Cañadas, A., Tierney, D., Quinn, J. and Jessopp, M. In review. Assessing the effectiveness of foraging radius models for seabird distributions using biotelemetry and survey data. Ecography.
Fortuna, C.M., Cañadas, A., Holcer, D., Brecciaroli, B., Donovan, G.P., Lazar, B., Mo, G., Tunesi, L. and Mackelworth, P.C. 2018. The Coherence of the European Union Marine Natura 2000 Network for Wide-Ranging Charismatic Species: A Mediterranean Case. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:356. Doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00356
Virgili, A., Laura Hedon, Matthieu Authier, Oliver Boisseau, Beatriz Calmettes, Ana Cañadas, Diane Claridge, Tim Cole, Peter Corkeron, Ghislain Dorémus, Léa David, Nathalie Di-Méglio, Charlotte Dunn, Tim E. Dunn, Isabel García Barón, Sophie Laran, Giancarlo Lauriano, Patrick Lehodey, Mark Lewis, Maite Louzao, Laura Mannocci, José Martínez-Cedeira, Debra Palka, Simone Panigada, Emeline Pettex, Jason J Roberts, Leire Ruiz, Camilo Saavedra, M. Begoña Santos, Olivier Van Canneyt, José Antonio Vázquez Bonales, Pascal Monestiez, Vincent Ridoux. 2018. Combining visual surveys to model habitat of deep-diving cetaceans at the basin scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2019, 28:300-314. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12850
Nykänen, M., Jessopp, M., Doyle, T.K., Harman, L.A., Cañadas, A., Breen, P., Hunt, W., Mackey, M., Ó Cadhla, O., Reid, D. and Rogan, E. 2018. Using tagging data and aerial surveys to incorporate availability bias in the abundance estimation for blue sharks (Prionace glauca). PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203122.
Giménez, J., Cañadas, A., Ramírez, F., Afán, I., García-Tiscar, S., Fernández-Maldonado, C., Castillo, J.J., and de Stephanis, R. 2018. Living apart together: niche partitioning among Alboran Sea cetaceans. Ecological Indicators 95: 32-40.
Mannocci L, Roberts JJ, Halpin PN, Authier M, Boisseau O, Bradai MN, Cañadas A, Chicote C, David L, Di-Méglio N, Frantzis A, Gazo M, Genov T, Hammond P, Holcer D, Kaschner K, Kerem D, Lauriano G, Lewis T, Notarbartolo di Sciara G, Panigada S, Raga JA, Scheinin A, Ridoux V, Vella A, Vella J. 2018. Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:3126 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19842-9
Panigada, S., Lauriano, G., Donovan, G., Pierantonio, N., Cañadas, A., Vázquez, J.A., Burt, L. 2017. Estimating cetacean density and abundance in the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea through aerial surveys: Implications for management. Deep Sea Research Part II 141: 41-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.018
Rogan, E., Cañadas, A., Macleod, K., Santos, M.B., Mikkelsen, B., Uriarte, A., Van Canneyt, O., Vázquez, J.A. and Hammond, P.S. 2017. Distribution, abundance and habitat use of deep diving cetaceans in the North East Atlantic. Deep Sea Research II 141: 8-19.
Cañadas, A., Aguilar de Soto, N., Aissi, M, Arcangeli, A., Azzolin, M., B-Nagy, A., Bearzi, G., Campana, I., Chicote, C., Cotte, C., Crosti, R., Di Natale, A., Fortuna, C., Frantzis, A., Garcia, P., Gazo, M., Gutierrez-Xarxa, R., Holcer, D., Laran, S., Lauriano, G., Lewis, T., Moulins, A., Mussi, B., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Panigada, S., Pastor, X., Politi, E., Pulcini, M., Raga, J.A., Rendell, L., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., Tomás, J., Tringali, M. 2017. The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: the case of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean. Ecological Indicators, Volume 85, February 2018, Pages 128-136, ISSN 1470-160X,
Lauriano, G., Pierantonio, N., Kell, L. Cañadas, A. Donovan, G. Panigada, S. 2017. Fishery-independent abundance and density estimates of swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from aerial surveys in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 102-114. Doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.04.019
Cañadas, A., Vázquez, J.A. 2017. Common dolphins in the Alborán Sea: facing a reduction in their suitable habitat due to an increase in sea surface temperature. Deep Sea Research II, 141: 306-318. Doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.03.006
Dinis, A, Alves, F., Nicolau, C., Ribeiro, C., Kaufmann, M., Cañadas, A. and Freitas, L. 2017. Social structure of a population of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the oceanic archipelago of Madeira, Portugal. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(5), 1141-1149. doi:10.1017/S0025315417000650
Breen, P., Cañadas, A., O Cadhla, O., Mackey, M., Scheidat, M., Geelhoed, S., Rogan, E. and Jessopp, M. 2017. New insights into ocean sunfish (Mola mola) abundance and seasonal distribution in thenortheast Atlantic. Scientific Reports | 7: 2025 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02103-6.
Giménez, J., Cañadas, A., Ramírez, F., Afán, I., García-Tiscar, S., Fernández-Maldonado, C., Castillo, J.J. and de Stephanis, R. 2017. Intra- and interspecific niche partitioning in striped and common dolphins inhabiting the south-western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 567:199-210.
Dinis, A., A. Carvalho, F. Alves, C. Nicolau, C. Ribeiro, M. Kaufmann, A. Cañadas & L. Freitas 2016. Spatial and temporal distribution of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the Madeira archipelago, NE Atlantic. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences 33: 45-54
Dinis, A., Alves, F., Nicolau, C., Ribero, C., Kaufmann, M. Cañadas, A. and Freitas, L. 2016. Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) group dynamics, site fidelity, residency and movement patterns in Madeira archipelago (NE Atlantic). African Journal of Marine Science. DOI:10.2989/1814232X.2016.1167780.
Notarbartolo-di-Sciara, G., Lauriano, G., Pierantonio, N., Cañadas, A., Donovan, G. Panigada, S. 2015. The Devil We Don’t Know: Investigating Habitat and Abundance of Endangered Giant Devil rays in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. PlosONE 10(11): e0141189. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141189
Cañadas, A. and Vázquez, J.A. 2014. Conserving Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Alboran Sea (SW Mediterranean): Identification of high density areas to be avoided by intense man-made sound. Biological Conservation 178: 155-162.
Carpinelli, E., Pauline Gauffier, Philippe Verborgh, Sabina Airoldi, Lèa David, Nathalie Di-Méglio, Ana Cañadas, Alexandros Frantzis, Luke Rendell, Tim Lewis, Barbara Mussi, Daniela Silvia Pace , Renaud de Stephanis. 2014. Assessing sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) movements within the Mediterranean Sea through photo-identification, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (special issue) 24, Suppl (1): 23-30.
Wierucka, K., Verborgh, P., Meade, R., Colmant, L., Gauffier, P., Esteban, R., de Stephanis, R. and Cañadas, A. 2014. Differences in survival rates and the effect of the Morbillivirus epizootic between clusters of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in the Mediterranean Spanish waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 502:1-10.
Hammond, PS, Gillespie, D, Lovell, P, Samarra, F, Swift, R, Macleod, K, Tasker, ML, Berggren, P, Borchers, DL, Burt, ML, Paxton, CGM, Cañadas, A, Desportes, G, Donovan, GP, Gilles, A, Lehnert, K, Siebert, U, Gordon, J, Leaper, R, Leopold, M, Scheidat, M, Øien, N, Ridoux, V, Rogan, E, Skov, H, Teilmann, J, Van Canneyt, O & Vázquez, JA. 2014. Large scale surveys for cetaceans: Line transect assumptions, reliability of abundance estimates and improving survey efficiency – A response to MacLeod. Biological Conservation 170: 338-339
Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Afán, I., Cañadas, A., García, P., Murcia, J.L., Magalhães, S., Andreu, E. and de Stephanis, R. 2013. Identifying key habitat and seasonal patterns of a critically endangered population of killer whales. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. doi:10.1017/S002531541300091X
Hammond, PS, Macleod, K, Berggren, P, Borchers, DL, Burt, ML, Cañadas, A, Desportes, G, Donovan, GP, Gilles, A, Gillespie, D, Gordon, J, Hedley, S, Hiby, L, Kuklik, I, Leaper, R, Lehnert, K, Leopold, M, Lovell, P, Øien, N, Paxton, C, Ridoux, V, Rogan, E, Samarra, F, Scheidat, M, Sequeira, M, Siebert, U, Skov, H, Swift, R, Tasker, ML, Teilmann, J, Van Canneyt, O Vázquez, JA. 2013. Abundance of harbour porpoise and other cetaceans in European Atlantic shelf waters. Biological Conservation 164: 107-122.
Borchers, D.L., Zucchini, W., Heide-Jorgensson, M.P., Cañadas, A. and Langrock, R. 2013. Using hidden Markov models to deal with availability bias on line transect surveys. Biometrics. DOI: 10.1111/biom.12049
Renaud de Stephanis, Joan Giménez, Eva Carpinelli, Carlos Gutierrez-Exposito, Ana Cañadas. 2013. As main meal for Sperm whales: Greenhouse plastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin 69, Issues 1-2: 206-214.
Cañadas, A. 2012. Ziphius cavirostris (Mediterranean subpopulation). In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2.
Druon, J.N., Panigada, S., David, L., Gannier, A., Mayol, P., Arcangeli, A., Cañadas, A., Di Méglio, N. and Gauffier, P. 2012. Potential feeding habitat of fin whale in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series. MEPS 464:289-306 (2012) – doi:10.3354/meps09810
Hooker, S.K., Cañadas, A., Hyrenbach, K.D., Corrigan, C., Polovina, J.J., Reeves, R.R. 2011. AS WE SEE IT: Making protected area networks effective for marine top predators. Endangered Species Research 13: 203-218. doi: 10.3354/esr00322
Engelhaupt, D., A. R. Hoelzel, C. Nicholson, A. Frantzis, S. Mesnick, S. Gero, H. Whitehead, L. Rendell, P. Miller, R. De Stephanis, A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni, A. Cañadas and S. Airoldi. 2009. Female philopatry in coastal basins and male dispersion across the North Atlantic in a highly mobile marine species, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Molecular Ecology 18: 4193-4205.
Cañadas, A. Donovan, G., Desportes, G. and Borchers, D. 2009. A short review of the distribution of short beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the central and eastern North Atlantic with an abundance estimate for part of this area. NAMMCO Scientific Publications, Volume 7, “North Atlantic Sighting Surveys (1987-2001)”: 201-220.
Cañadas, A. and Hammond, P.S. 2008. Abundance and habitat preferences of the short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the South-western Mediterranean: implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research 4: 309-331.
Natoli, A., Cañadas, A., Vaquero, C., Politi, P., Fernández-Piqueras, J. and Hoelzel, A.R. 2008. Conservation genetics of the short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Conservation genetics 9:1479-1487.
Gómez de Segura, A., Hammond, P.S., Cañadas, A. and Raga, J.A. 2007. Comparing cetacean abundance estimates derived from spatial modelling and line transect sampling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 329: 289-299.
Cañadas, A. and Hammond, P. 2006. Model-based abundance estimate of bottlenose dolphins off Southern Spain: implications for conservation and management. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 8(1): 13-27.
Natoli, A., Cañadas, A., Peddemors, V.M., Aguilar, A., Vaquero, C., Fernández-Piqueras, P. and Hoelzel, A.R. 2006. Phylogeography and alpha taxonomy of the common dolphin (Delphinus sp.). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19(3): 943.
Cañadas, A., R. Sagarminaga, R. de Stephanis, E. Urquiola and P.S. Hammond. 2005. Habitat selection models as a conservation tool: proposal of marine protected areas for cetaceans in Southern Spain. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15:495-521.
Cañadas, A., Desportes, G. and Borchers, D.L. 2004. Estimation of g(0) and abundance of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) from the NASS-95 Faroese survey. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 6(2): 191-198.
Bearzi, G., R.R. Reeves, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, E. Politi, A. Cañadas, A. Frantzis and B. Mussi. 2003. Ecology, status and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in the Mediterranean Sea. Mammal Review, 33: 224-252.
Cañadas, A., Sagarminaga, R. and García-Tiscar, S. 2002. Cetacean distribution related with depth and slope in the Mediterranean waters off southern Spain. Deep Sea Research I 49: 2053-2073.
Guerra, A., González, A. F., Rocha, F.J., Sagarminaga, R. and Cañadas, A. 2002. Planktonic egg masses of the diamond-shaped squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 24(4): 333-338.
Cañadas, A. and Sagarminaga, R. 2000. The Alboran Sea, an important breeding and feeding ground for the long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Mammal Science 16 (3): 513-529.
Book sections:
Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Esteban, R., Giménez, J., Cañadas, A., Salazar, J.M. and de Stephanis, R. 2016. Conservation status of long-finned pilot whales in the Mediterranean Sea. In: Advances in Mediterranean marine mammal science and conservation. Advances in Marine Biology Series. Elsevier.
Podesta, M., Azzelino, A., Cañadas, A., Frantzis, A., Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P. and Lanfredi, C. 2016. Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) presence and threats in the Mediterranean Sea. In: Advances in Mediterranean marine mammal science and conservation. Advances in Marine Biology Series. Elsevier. Pp 105-142. ISSN 0065-2881
Cañadas, A. Sagarminaga, R., Marcos, P. y Urquiola, E. 2004. Sector Sur (Andalucía y Ceuta). In: Proyecto Mediterráneo. Zonas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo español (Ed. J.A. Raga and J. Pantoja), pp. 133-190. Minsterio de Medio Ambiente. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. Madrid.
Raga, J. A., Cañadas, A., Gazo, M. y Urquiola, E. 2004. Conclusiones y recomendaciones. In: Proyecto Mediterráneo. Zonas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo español (Ed. J.A. Raga and J. Pantoja), pp. 191-217. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales. Madrid.
Selected Technical reports:
Cañadas, A., B-Nagy, A., Bearzi, G., Cotte, C., Fortuna, C., Frantzis, A., Gannier, A., Laran, S., Lauriano, G., Lewis, T., Moulins, A., Mussi, B., Pastor, X., Politi, E., Pulcini, M., Raga, J.A., Rendell, L. 2013. ACCOBAMS collaborative effort to map high-use areas by beaked whales in the Mediterranean. 24 p.
Cañadas, A., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Esteban, R., de Stephanis, R. 2011. Propuesta de un Plan de Conservación para zifio de Cuvier (Ziphius cavirostris) en el Mediterráneo español. 73 p
Cañadas, A., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Esteban, R., de Stephanis, R. 2011. Propuesta de un Plan de Conservación para calderón gris (Grampus griseus) en el Mediterráneo español. 62 p
García-Tiscar, S., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Cañadas, A., Esteban, R., de Stephanis, R. 2011. Propuesta de un Plan de Conservación para delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus) en el Mediterráneo español. 99 p.
Giménez, J., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Jiménez Torres, C., Esteban, R., Cañadas, A., de Stephanis, R. 2011. Propuesta de un Plan de Conservación para delfín comun (Delphinus delphis) en el Mediterráneo español. 79 p.
Jiménez Torres, C., Gauffier, P., Verborgh, P., Esteban, R., Giménez, J., Cañadas, A., de Stephanis, R. 2011. Propuesta de un Plan de Conservación para delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba) en el Mediterráneo español. 84 p.
Cañadas, A., Podestà, M., Pusser, T., Quero, M. E., Revelli, E., Tyack, P. L. 2009. Med09 focal follow operations visual team handbook.
Agardy, T., Aguilar, N., Cañadas, A., Engel, M., Frantzis, A., Hatch, L., Hoyt, E., Kaschner, K., LaBrecque, E., Martin, V., Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Pavan, G., Servidio, A., Smith, B., Wang, J., Weilgart, L., Wintle, B. and Wright, A. 2007. Un Taller Científico Global sobre la Gestión Espacio-Temporal del Ruido. Report of the Workshop.
Cañadas, A. and de Stephanis, R. 2006. “Evaluation of the status of the killer whales in the Mediterranean Sea”, in “The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea”. Ed: Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. 137 pp.
Cañadas, A. 2006. “Evaluation of the status of the long-finned pilot whales in the Mediterranean Sea”, in “The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea”. Ed: Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. 137 pp.
Cañadas, A. 2006. “Evaluation of the status of the Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean Sea”, in “The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea”. Ed: Reeves R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. 137 pp.
Cañadas, A. and Sagarminaga, R. 2006. Conservation Plan proposal for the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Spanish Mediterranean. Spanish Cetacean Society. LIFE02NAT/E/8610. 136pp.
Sagarminaga, R. and Cañadas, A. 2006. Conservation Plan proposal for the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Spanish Mediterranean. Spanish Cetacean Society. LIFE02NAT/E/8610. 53pp.
Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Reeves R.R., Cañadas A., Frantzis A. 2004. Conservation Plan for short beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 90 pp.
Cañadas, A. 2003. Propuesta de conservación de zifios (orden Cetacea, familia Ziphiidae) en el Mar de Alborán. Report for the Spanish Navy Hydrographic Institute. Spanish Cetacean Society.
Cañadas, A. and Sagarminaga, R. 2002. Identificación de las áreas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo español. Volumen IV. Sector Sur. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Alnitak. December 2002. 604 pp.